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The Chinese version of the Citizenship Measure (CM): Internal consistency and test-retest reliability among Chinese adults in mental recovery

The Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong started adopting the citizenship concept to its community mental health services and carried out the Citizens Project in 2020. A validated Chinese version of Citizenship Measure (CM (Chinese)) was needed to assess the strength of people's connection to the 5 R's and the strength and vulnerability of our citizenship work.

Community knowledge and attitudes toward recovering citizenship and mental illness: a telephone survey approach

In recent years, the concept of recovering citizenship (RC) has received increasing attention in mental health services. Given the development of RC and the 5 Rs of rights, responsibility, role, resources, and relationship, and the limited studies on knowledge and attitudes toward mental illness in the whole population, a telephone questionnaire survey and focus group interviews were conducted.

JUSTONE 24-hour Community Mental Health Support Project: Questionnaire survey and focus group on service users

JUSTONE 24-hour Community Mental Health Support Project was sponsored by Lee Hysan Foundation, Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, and Kerry Group. A one-stop mental health support platform was employed to provide hotline services in addition to online counselling and training to the public, members, and caregivers.

JUSTONE 24-hour Community Mental Health Support Project: Questionnaire survey and focus group on hotline volunteers

JUSTONE 24-hour Community Mental Health Support Project was sponsored by Lee Hysan Foundation, Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, and Kerry Group. Volunteers were regularly recruited and trained to receive calls and provide counselling services on the phone.

Mental Health Smarties

Mental Health Smarties (MHS) was sponsored and supported by Save the Children Hong Kong. The project aimed at lowering children’s and parents’ anxiety and depression levels, and raising the awareness of the importance of mental wellness of children and parents through a stepped-care service model.

Community knowledge and attitudes toward recovering citizenship and mental illness: A focus group approach

A telephone questionnaire survey on the knowledge and attitude toward recovering citizenship (RC) and mental illness was conducted in January 2021. Some of the survey participants who showed interest in joining focus group discussions were invited to study their views on community integration and recovering citizenship more in depth.

Recovery-oriented service assessment using Recovery Oriented Service Self-Assessment Toolkit (ROSSAT)

Recovery Oriented Service Self-Assessment Toolkit (ROSSAT) is a self-reported assessment tool to review recovery-oriented service provision of an organization. ROSSAT is comprised of two tools including: Tools for Organizations (T4O) and Tools for Workers (T4W). Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong (RFHK) had used T4O and T4W to review and reflect recovery-oriented service practice in agency and service provision level.

Mental Health Month (January 2020)

A number of mental health rehabilitation organisations and public institutes co-organise Mental Health Month activities in October every year to disseminate mental health messages to the public through various public education and promotion activities. The theme in 2020 was " Enjoy Mental Wellness. Seek Support from Others".

Focus group on staff views towards Recovering Citizenship (RC)

The Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong (RFHK) planned to adopt the citizenship concept to its community mental health services in 2020. To collect the views of staff in applying this relatively new approach to casework, services, and programs, focus groups were carried out in all service units.