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Mental Health Month (January 2020)


A number of mental health rehabilitation organisations and public institutes co-organise Mental Health Month activities in October every year to disseminate mental health messages to the public through various public education and promotion activities. The theme in 2020 was " Enjoy Mental Wellness. Seek Support from Others". 


Research period: January 2020

Target population: People living in Hong Kong aged 15 years or above who communicated in Cantonese.



  • To assess the mental health status of the general Hong Kong population
  • To study the impact of social issues on the mental health status of the general Hong Kong population.



The survey was conducted by a local research centre. Phone numbers including household and mobile numbers, were randomly drawn from the government’s Numbering Plan. The questionnaire consists of the WHO-5 Well-being Index survey [1], items on the impact of varied social issues including social controversial issues, schoolwork, job-related, health, financial status, future, family, children, living environment, and relationships, and the sources of emotional support and help-seeking intention.



  • A total of 1004 people completed the telephone survey.
  • A significant declined in mental well-being index score from 46.41 ± 20.09 in 2019 to 44.48 ± 19.67 in 2020 was observed (p=0.030) (highest possible score: 100).
  • Compared with year 2019, significant change in mental well-being status was found in 2020 (p=0.042). People with poor mental well-being (i.e. scored below 52) increased from 56.4% in 2019 to 61.9% in 2020. People with moderate or good mental well-being also decreased in 2020 (Fig. 1).
  • 60.4% reported that social controversies had a major or quite influential negative impact on their mental health, followed by schoolwork (45.7%) and job issues (37.5%) (Fig. 2).
  • Most respondents revealed they could obtain adequate emotional support from friends (75.9%), family (73.1%), and colleagues (59.2%).


Figure 1. Comparison of WHO-5 Well-being categories of the Hong Kong population in 2019 and early 2020


Figure 2. The negative impact of social issues on the mental health of the general Hong Kong population in early 2020.




Compared with that in 2019, the mental well-being of the general Hong Kong population was getting worse in 2020.  The outbreak of COVID-19 might contribute to the exacerbation of community mental wellness. Sixty percent of the respondents had a poor mental health status.  The Government and the relevant authorities should formulate appropriate strategies as soon as possible and implement various measures and services in a multi-pronged manner to improve the mental health in the community.



1.   Topp, C. W., Østergaard, S. D., Søndergaard, S., & Bech, P. (2015). The WHO-5 Well-Being Index: a systematic review of the literature. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(3), 167-176.