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❣️早鳥優惠截止日期: 2023 年 10 月 15 日



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是次會議將邀請來自本地和海外的專家,當中包括美國耶魯大學醫學院、香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系和紐西蘭國際社會企業PeerZone的主題講者 ,分享與復元公民和精神健康相關的最新知識。 此外,還有不同環節,例如會議後工作坊、分組研討匯報,以及來自朋輩、復元人士及其照顧者的演出。

歡迎海外和本地精神健康工作者、復元人士、照顧者、朋輩、醫療護理專業人員、學者以及對精神健康感興趣的人士參與。 我們期待在亞太精神健康國際會議2023與您見面。



會議主題: 精神健康: 復元公民

副主題: 關顧, 協作, 公民權










電話? (+852) 2529 1323

電郵? aspac2023@richmond.org.hk



AsPac Poster


? Please click here to view the registration details.

❣️Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15 October 2023

***For Service users of Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, contact your service unit for more information.



 Please click here to submit your abstract for parallel session presentation.

❣️Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 October 2023


The Asia Pacific International Mental Wellness Conference 2023 (AsPac 2023) will be held in Hong Kong from 7 – 8 December 2023 with post-conference workshop and sharing forum on 9 December.

In the Conference, both local and overseas expertise, including keynote speakers from The Yale School of Medicine, Department of Social Work and Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong, and PeerZone in New Zealand, will share the latest, cutting-edge knowledge of relevance to recovering citizenship and mental health. Apart from the Conference, there will be workshops, parallel presentation sessions, exhibitions, and performances from peers, people in recovery, and their families.

Practitioners from international and local helping industries, people with lived experience, caregivers, peers, health professionals, academics, and those interested in mental health, are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you in the AsPac 2023.


Main Themes: Mental Wellness: Recovering Citizenship

Sub-Themes: Care, Collaboration and Citizenship


The conference aims to:

⭐Share the latest knowledge and experience in mental wellness with people-in-recovery, their caregivers, peers, mental health service providers, and other helping professionals.

⭐Advocate Recovery and Recovering Citizenship of people-in-recovery.

⭐Connect with people who are experiencing various stages of recovery and their caregivers.



View the conference programme now ??‍?


For enquiry, please contact us:

Tel ? (+852) 2529 1323

Email ?  aspac2023@richmond.org.hk